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In 2001, William Kealoha fell from a drydock.
He suffered multiple injuries. But his workers'
compensation claim was denied. He's been
trying to get it for 12 years.
"The insurance company spent hundreds of
thousands of dollars to deny William
benefits," attorney Jay Friedheim said.
In 2003, a depressed Kealoha attempted
suicide. He survived, but the shotgun blast
severely disfigured the left side of his face.
"I'm going to be a
better man," Kealoha
Now, a judge has ordered Kealoha's former employer and their
insurance carrier to pay him tens of thousands of dollars in
workers comp benefits with interest, dating back to 2003.
"Under this program he's going to get about $1,450 a month.
In my business of workers comp that's huge," Friedheim said.
"Right now I feel really
happy," Kealoha said.
The judge determined the suicide
attempt was linked to Kealoha's work-
related injury. The employer and
insurance company must also pay for
the extensive surgery it will take to
repair Kealoha's face. Friedheim said it
will cost more than a million dollars.
"The half of the face that's left has no
support," he said. "It's actually
collapsing into his face. So we've got to
build that up."
Friedheim believes the ruling from the Department of Labor's
Workers' Compensation Program could affect other workers'
comp claims if it's proven a suicide or suicide attempt was
linked to a work-related injury.
"It will reduce the amount of time and suffering
that other people have to go through," he said.
"Things are going to be changed in my
life. I thank God for that," Kealoha said.
Kealoha is 47. He will receive workers'
compensation payments until he's 65.